Who We Are?
35 Years
Service Experience
Ethical Values
100% Guarantee
Highly Skilled
Team of investigators
Latest Technology
To optimise our results
With 35 years of experience in the Industry, the Founder and Director of this company has fast become a force to be reckoned with.
Armand Trollip has a total of 18 years of Private Investigation and 5 years as Police Officer experience in his résumé, after having had his first P.I. company from 1991 - 2003 (C.I.A - Corporate Investigation Agency).
After having had numerous requests from his previous client base, Armand Trollip re-entered in 2007 the Private Investigation Industry. Theo Carter has joined our forces in 2012 as a partner in the industry with his vast 20 year experience in the SAPS.
He is a person with high ethical values and professionalism and will take good care of every client's need.
We are aware that most people get nervous when speaking with a Private Investigator and that the initial call can at times be a big decision and for this reason we offer a friendly, reassuring and sympathetic ear.
We will never rush the call and always allow the client to determine the pace of the conversation